Honourable Judges,
Teachers, Distinguished
Guests, ladies and gentlemen,
I wish you Good morning
and Assalammu alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarrakatuh.
I am honored to stand before you all, to be able to share
my opinion about the future leaders of Indonesia.
Bung Karno, our first president once said:
"A thousand parents can only dream of, a young person can change the world."
On the other
speech Bung Karno also said,
"Give me a thousand people, and with them I will move Mount Semeru. Give
me ten youths, and we can shake the
world. "
So, Youth is the
backbone of the nation. The future of this nation depends
on the youth of today because as we know that today's youth are the future
leaders who have
very important roles for the nation.
Judges, Distingushed guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
The spirit and optimism of our nation to make a change rely upon the young people, because the youngsters are persons who have unique
character. Among its uniqueness, young people have a new spirit
and always volatile, the courage to take great risks, as well as having a broad view that can penetrate his
time. The proof, through the hands of the independence of the Republic mudalah
this can be taken from colonial possessions.
Amid the national crisis that we face today, the appearance of youth leadership
into the expectations of many circles. Even be an appropriate solution at this
time. Many historical records have shown the success of youth leadership. When
present alone, for example, the emergence of the figure of Venezuelan president
Hugo Cavez, Evo Morales as President of Bolivia, and the election of Barack
Obama as president of the United States who represent youth leadership.
Especially when those leaders are able to bring the institution or the
state-owned power as a means of realizing the sovereignty of the nation and
build a life of order and democratic justice, to independence in economic,
political and cultural.
The Ladies and
Gentlemen, and ladies and gentlemen,
Attitudes and characteristics of good leadership are: (1) Leader knowledgeable,
morals, integrity, professional and clever; (2) Leaders make decisions and take
responsibility for his decision; (3) The leader should be able to solve
problems and make decisions appropriately; (4) The leader must be willing to
listen and tolerant; (5) The leader can give encouragement and motivation; (6)
The leader of an example; (7) The leader of the torch holder of thought and
action. Therefore, a young man needs to know the knowledge about leadership.
A young man prosecuted for not apathetic on all issues affecting the nation and
the state. Whether it's a matter of natural disasters to socio-economic and
political disaster that ravaged the state of nature where by most older
generations who are hungry for power. Youth as the next generation power strap
holder will have to fight against all the evils that exist in the future, be it
in the area of social, or political.
Youth is essentially a man who has a sense of nation with something to boast
that he had. to boast this country we do not necessarily have to wait until
becoming a professor who could make a young fighter to be proud of this
country, but we are quite proud to do positive things we can do where it can be
motivational and beneficial for others . On the other hand youth is also
required to be creative and innovative in bridging implementing
decentralization or regional autonomy. Thus the expected development outcomes
have not felt evenly to all corners of the region.
The Ladies and Gentlemen and ladies and gentlemen,
If we can be helpful from the very people we are young, it is a very big
opportunity to us to be useful in the future leaders, as well as good human is
useful for other human beings, try to imagine how valuable we can be a leader
if beneficial to the the ones that we lead, do not let us be the one to take
advantage of our leadership for personal enjoyment.
The challenge ahead is getting heavy and complex. The era of free trade and
investment has been before us. The era of globalization and information
technology that requires a reliable quality of human resources separately
nation increasingly keen to win. Therefore, the day commemorating the
Independence of the Republic of Indonesia to the 69's, let us increase the
spirit of unity and integrity of the nation, a moral nation, also demanded an
increase in the nation's human resources discipline, independent and
professional with science and technology and skill mastery.
The Jury and Ladies and Gentlemen,
As the young hope of the nation, we must have a love of the homeland.
What exactly is the meaning of the Homeland Love ?. The feeling of love is
actually an element of love and affection toward something. Then, the self will
grow a willingness to care for, maintain and protect it from any danger.
Patriotism means willing to sacrifice for the homeland and defend from all
kinds of threats and harassment that comes from any nation. The hero has to
prove his love for his homeland is the homeland of Indonesia. They are not
willing to Indonesia being trampled by the colonizers. They do not want his
country to be colonized, stolen or extorted by the colonizing nations. They
dare to sacrifice their lives for the defense of the homeland of Indonesia.
Now we are at the time of independence. We are not in demand and bear arms
forward on the battlefield. However, it should be recognized that the Republic
of Indonesia and the threat of undermining tetep face. Therefore, we must be
ready to face any threat in the interest of the nation and the republic of
There are several examples of cases that we can take as a role model that can
form the soul of the love of our own country, namely;
Proud to be an Indonesian citizen
Preserving Culture Nation
Using domestic prodak
Save Energy
Name it the Nation
Finally, nothing is more proud to be an Indonesian apart. Recognized the state
because of the friendliness of its people. Natural and cultural wealth. See it
every year even days or weeks, foreign tourists from different foreign
countries vying come to vacation in Indonesia. They always assume that exotic
Indonesia. Imagine, they are even willing to fly all the way just to enjoy the
beauty of natural scenery Indonesia.
Good luck Indonesian youths everywhere ...
Be prepared to become future leaders of the nation.
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