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Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Cinta

      The Real Love

    By: Avradya Mayagita

Assalammu alaikum Wr. Wb,

Good morning  Ladies and Gentlemen,
Praise be to Allah,  the Almighty for His  Grace, so that we can attend the meeting today.
Blessings and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad who has has struggled in the spread of Islam with great challenges.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Love is a part of human nature.  Love can make us happy.  But there are also many people who suffer because of love. Allah says in the Qur'an,  Surah Al-Imran: 14 which means:
It is natural if we love  parents, brothers and sisters, children, husband or wife, and treasures such as gold, silver, diamond etcetera. Because we are human beings.  However,  the most important thing is don’t love anyone or anything  more than your love to God. 

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The real love is the love of the Almighty. God’s love is an endless love. There are a lot of people who still cannot accept the troubles or problems. They only can complain...complain ... and complain.....

They don’t know that actually God is testing us....

He gives us brain to think......

He gives us mouth to speak.....

And He gives us problems to solve..... 

Allah says in the Qur'an, Surat At-Taubah: 24, which means:
"If you love  your fathers, children, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, and your wealth much more than your God,  just wait until Allahdo something. "

Ladies and Gentlemen,

There is a proverb says:
"Making love is easy.  But to be loved by people we love, that is difficult to obtain. "
God wants to give us Tarbiyah to Ruhiyah, so we realize that we are actually very weak. We cannot do anything except his permission. 

In order to prove our love to God, there are something we need to prepare , namely:

1) Strong Faith
2) Charity in full heart
3) Appreciate the differences. 

Thus Hopefully we will reach out in love and His good pleasure. Allah says in the Qur'an Surah Al-Imran: 31 which means:
"If you really love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive your sins.”

Allah is Forgiving,  He is a Merciful.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Hopefully, as  human beings, we can interprete the meaning of love correctly.

So, we understand what we mean with a true love.

And hopefully, we can give our true love to the Supreme God.

He is Allah.

And we can also give our love and care to His creatures.

Wassalammu alaikum, Wr.Wb. 


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